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Displaying results : Secret Wars
4 product(s) found for ""Secret Wars""
Avengers (1963) - 261 (DIRECT)
Volume: 1 Price: 0.65 USD; 0.75 CAD; 0.30 GBP Pages: 36 Indicia frequency: monthly Indicia / Colophon Publisher: Marvel Comics Group Brand: Marvel black, no background Editing: Howard Mackie (Assistant Editor); Mark Gruenwald (Editor); Jim Shooter (Editor-in-Chief)...
Fantastic Four (1961) - 319
Volume: 1 Price: 1.50 USD; 2.00 CAD; 0.50 GBP Pages: 52 Indicia frequency: monthly Indicia / Colophon Publisher: Marvel Comics Brand: Marvel Barcode: ? Editing: Ralph Macchio (Editor); Marc Siry (Assistant Editor); Tom DeFalco (Editor-in-Chief) Color: color Dimensions: standard Modern Age US Paper Stock:...